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전체 글75

[2023-2] 김지원 - Recurrent Neural Network based language model(2010) # SML - 딥러닝 이전의 전통적인 Language Model - 딥러닝이 등장하기 전 전통적인 언어 모델이다. - 통계적 언어 모델로 SLM이라고 한다. - 해당 모델을 알기 전에 조건부 확률의 연쇄 법칙(Chain Rule)을 알아야 하는데 이는 아래 식과 같다. P(x_1,x_2,x_3,...x_n)=P(x_1)P(x_2|x_1)...P(x_n|x_1x_2...x_{n-1}) - 예를 들어 문장 “I like dogs and cats”을 생성할 때 해당 문장이 생성될 확률은 다음과 같다. P(I,like,dogs ,and, cats)=P(I)P(like|I)P(dogs|I,like)P(and|I,like,dogs)P(cats|I,like,dogs,and) - 이때 각 단어에 대한 확률은 카운트를 .. 2023. 11. 27.
[2023-2] 현시은 - Music Transformer: Generating Music with Long-Term Structure (ICLR19) 원본 논문 링크 : https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10752 High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models By decomposing the image formation process into a sequential application of denoising autoencoders, diffusion models (DMs) achieve state-of-the-art synthesis results on image data and beyond. Additionally, their formulation allows for a guiding mechanism t arxiv.org Abstract 많은 사람들 머신러닝 알고리즘을.. 2023. 11. 26.
[2023-2] 강민재 - Training language models to follow instructions with human feedback Training language models to follow instructions with human feedback Making language models bigger does not inherently make them better at following a user's intent. For example, large language models can generate outputs that are untruthful, toxic, or simply not helpful to the user. In other words, these models are not ali arxiv.org 0. Review of GPT Series GPT-1: Generative Pre-Training 레이블이 있는 .. 2023. 11. 25.
[2023-2] 김경훈 - High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models 원본 논문 링크 : https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.10752 High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models By decomposing the image formation process into a sequential application of denoising autoencoders, diffusion models (DMs) achieve state-of-the-art synthesis results on image data and beyond. Additionally, their formulation allows for a guiding mechanism t arxiv.org 0. Abstract 이미지 형성 과정을 순차적.. 2023. 11. 25.